Introduction to mindfulness and eating behavior

The term “mindfulness” has been used to refer to a psychological state of awareness, a practice that promotes this awareness, a mode of processing information, and a characterological trait. The word mindfulness originally comes from the Pali word sati, which means having awareness, attention, and remembering (Bodhi, 2000). Mindfulness can simply be defined as “moment-by-moment awareness” or as “a state of psychological freedom that occurs when attention remains quiet and limber, without attachment to any particular point of view”. Μindfulness is viewed as a state and not a trait, and while it is cultivated by certain practices or activities (e.g., meditation) which some of them participants will experience in this masterclass. In recent years, psychologists, doctors and nutritionists are finding these ancient practices to be a useful antidote to a modern, hurried lifestyle and a helpful approach in treating disordered eating.

EATING PSYCHOLOGY & MINDFULNESS 2 – Michael Manztios and Helen Egan

Self-compassion and self-kindness: Approximating the form that leads to both psychological and physiological health.

This work will assemble different findings from research that has focused on accumulating the elements that are found useful by people who are aiming to lose and maintain weight. The association of ‘treating oneself’ and self-kindness will be discussed in terms of enabling self-regulation around food, and a body and mind intervention will be outlined that is enabling weight loss and maintenance, as well as reductions in emotional eating.

Alternative practices for mindful eating: Finding practices that are easily sustainable, even when the environment is not assisting mindful consumption.

The discussion will start with a separation and distinction of decision making for mindful eating, and mindful eating behaviors and corresponding interventions. Several research projects will be presented in terms of enhancing the ease of implementing mindful eating behavior, when eating socially and/or when eating while being distracted. Although both are not currently prescribed as mindful eating instances, they are the most common seen in contemporary lifestyles. Easy, quick, and sustainable advice will enable mindful eating in those mindless moments that are many times unavoidable.

Measuring and assessing Mindful Eating: Use with clinical and non-clinical populations.

Since the initiation and practical application of mindful eating, the assessment and measurement have been problematic. During the talk data and case studies will be presented to support periodic reviews and assessments with clients during and after clinical and non-clinical support. Behavioural and decision-making aspects of mindful eating will be distinguished and highlighted, and interventions will be discussed to enhance the behavioural aspects of mindful eating.